What Does Your Morning Smell Like?

by Compass Cleaning Solutions • January 15, 2016

Lemon smell can lead you to believe it's clean
Smell can be Deceiving and Clean Sometimes Isn’t Clean

We all think we know what a clean smell is, but smells can be deceiving and what we think is clean isn’t always clean.

Consider this, it’s 8:00 am. Another beautiful 102 degree morning in Arizona. You have a delicious croissant and a steaming double shot White Mocha with extra whip in your hand, ready to start the day. You open your office door and stop… weren’t the cleaners supposed to come in last night? The place looks clean but… sniff, sniff… were the bathrooms really scrubbed if I don’t smell the odor of bleach? Were my floors really mopped if I’m missing the scent of Lavender Fabuloso in the air? What about my desk? Have yesterdays germs and spills been removed from its silky mahogany skin, if I’m missing the citrus odor of lemon Pledge? In a word YES! Today you have options. Your service provider can use natural products that clean effectively, and usually are not artificially scented. Those clean smells, lemon, pine, lavender are great but if you have people in your office that are sensitive to perfumes this may not be such a good thing.

So, enjoy the beauty of cleaning with an all natural green product.

No harsh chemical smells lingering in the air, just an immaculate and sanitized office for you to enjoy the aroma of that croissant and $14.00 Mocha from your favorite coffee shop.

Contributed by Mike Saba, Director of Operations, Compass Cleaning Solutions